Risk management rarely makes headlines, but taking care of all the behind-the-scene details is essential to your success. Merriwether & Williams has the experience to assess and help minimize potential risk, while providing a full range of consulting and support services to meet our client’s unique situations and needs.
By working closely with our clients and maintaining positive, long-term relationships with local communities, we are able to align our approach to risk management to foster access and inclusivity – the cornerstone of delivering expected project community benefits.
Project Risk Analysis, Mitigation and Consulting – Customized risk management services, including risk transfer insurance language for bid specifications and contracts, administering client insurance and risk/enterprise risk management programs including staff augmentation, and providing ancillary logistics support for major construction projects. By designing, implementing and overseeing project-specific risk management programs, we help clients ensure that their projects run smoothly and safely from start to finish.
Construction Project Safety & Loss Control – Professional part or full-time onsite safety and loss control oversight for one or multiple projects and ongoing OSHA training and certification to ensure adherence to industry standards, resulting in safer, more efficient on-site construction practices. Learn more.
For large construction projects, we design project-specific, customized insurance programs which cover the owner/general contractor and all participating contractors under a single cohesive program, saving our clients significant time and cost.
OCIP/CCIP Brokerage Services include the Placement and Administration of:
- General Liability
- Workers’ Compensation
- Builder’s Risk Coverage
- Professional Liability/OPPI
- Pollution Liability
- Other Coverages as needed
OCIP/CCIP Administration Services include:
- Program enrollment, technical support and implementation for successful contractor participation
- Capturing insurance credits to maximize owner savings
- Tracking contractor payroll for workers compensation
- Handling claims
- Small Contractor-centered support
San Francisco International Airport
One of our largest Owner-Controlled Insurance Program (OCIP) administration projects to-date was the San Francisco International Airport’s $3.7 Billion Expansion Project, which spanned 7 years and included over 1,000 contractors, including many local small contractors. Merriwether & Williams provided comprehensive project support and program administration, including administering a comprehensive project safety incentive program.
As part of our Construction Project Safety & Loss Control, we provide on-site safety (“Owners Rep”) personnel to help protect the airport’s assets and interests in all of their ongoing construction projects, including coordinating safety audits, inventorying and inspecting equipment, and offering Cal-OSHA certified training for airport staff and contractors, creating an overall safety-aware culture at SFO.
Photos above: San Francisco International Airport, by Merriwether & Williams Insurance Services
(click on photos to enlarge)
“We are proud to partner with SFO and contribute to ensuring that airport construction work is adhering to the strictest of safety protocols. We enjoy their collaborative approach to align all stakeholder interests in mutually desired objectives: public safety, worker safety and project success.” – Anthony Malson, Senior Safety Manager, Merriwether & Williams Insurance Services
Transforming blighted and neglected urban properties into vibrant, mixed-use communities is a challenging undertaking.
Merriwether & Williams was chosen to provide risk management, insurance program and related support services to industry pioneer Lennar/FivePoint Corporation for the revitalization of three complex, multimillion dollar projects. The redevelopment of the historic San Francisco Shipyard, Candlestick Point and Treasure Island properties will provide new housing, including a number of below-market rate homes, a wide variety of innovative commercial spaces, and many lush green belt and recreational areas.
For each project, which includes numerous stakeholders and hundreds of contractors – from geotechnical engineers to bricklayers – Merriwether & Williams works closely on multiple levels with all parties to facilitate collaboration, to confirm that the project meets all municipal construction and insurance requirements, and to ensure that insurance policies and related programs provide the best approach, coverage, and services for the best value. With several phases successfully completed in 2015, The San Francisco Shipyard has been welcoming new homeowners, businesses and even public art installations, and is becoming a thriving hub for the Hunters Point community.
“It’s an exciting opportunity for us to be playing a key risk management consulting role in the historical landscape and changing developments of the Lennar/Five Point San Francisco projects. The magnitude and innate risk management dynamics of projects of this size and complexity have provided us with opportunities to transcend status quo approaches in a collaborative environment.” – Ingrid Merriwether, President & CEO, Merriwether & Williams Insurance Services
The San Francisco MUNI Third Street Light Rail – a $270 Million, six-year complex construction project in a high traffic, heavy pedestrian throughway – required a comprehensive insurance approach and attentive, tailored administration. Merriwether & Williams designed an Owner Controlled Insurance Program to provide comprehensive protection to all stakeholders for the duration of construction and 10 years following systems operation. With multiple objectives, including a “best coverage – lowest total cost” goal and ensuring that small local contractors weren’t prevented by lack of insurance from participating, the performance of our insurance program exceeded client expectations. Aggressive project safety and loss control provided by the insurers and broker team resulted in claims and losses
coming in well below industry standards for similar types of projects. This savings was reflected in a significant loss fund balance being returned to the client after project completion.
Second photo: by Octoferret (CC by SA 2.5), via English Wikimedia Commons
“ MWIS staff has an extraordinary ability to communicate complex insurance concepts well, and has provided wise counsel in many areas, not necessarily limited to insurance.” – Luz Cofresi-Howe, Project Manager, San Francisco Municipal Railway Construction Division

The Van Ness & Geary Campus Hospital and The Replacement Hospital at the Saint Lukes’ Campus
Demolishing existing structures to build new medical facilities in high-density metropolitan locations requires highly sophisticated construction management techniques. Because of our expertise, Merriwether & Williams (MWIS) was asked to provide risk management, insurance consulting and project safety logistics for these two multimillion dollar projects. Along with creating comprehensive insurance policies to cover our clients’ complex needs, MWIS staff assisted our client in designing the project site logistics for all aspects of construction, including providing worker parking and traffic safety for these challenging sites surrounded on all sides by major city streets and other buildings.
Working closely with Herrero-Boldt Construction, Sutter Health, and other stakeholders, we have also been instrumental in implementing cutting edge Integrated Lean Project Delivery methods to increase efficiency and lower costs.
“We have a first of its kind Integrated Project Insurance Program on these projects. Merriwether & Williams has been instrumental in helping educate and enroll our subcontractors and design consultants in this program, as well as advising us on risk management and logistics issues.” – Paul Klemish, Project Director, HerreroBoldt Construction
For assistance with any of our Comprehensive Insurance Programs, Risk Management and Special Project Consulting Services, please email Anne Nevard at [email protected], call us at (415) 986-3999 or visit our Contact Us page.
Risk Management Services